Flingstranauts v1 Uploaded!

After staring at my computer screen for about 4 days straight while my poor family dabs my mouth with a wet sponge to keep me hydrated and offers me small morsels of food, I have uploaded a working build of Flingstranauts! This is my second game I've tried making and it is definitely a step up from the platformer I made. It's a 2D top down gravity based puzzle game, where you have to use the gravity of objects to hurl a helpless astronaut into  a wormhole. The gravity mechanics were probably the most tricky thing to work with because it involved me having to do MATHS. But also there is a ton of UI and mechanic stuff happening that was tricky. I'm working with Construct 3 and I'm slowly getting to grips with it. Almost the enitrety of the code for the game is in a single event sheet which I'm pretty proud of. Anyway, let me know what you think! I've had very few playtesters so dying to know how people find it. I have a hunch it might be a bit difficult. But let me know! xx Tal


Flingstranauts.zip Play in browser
Nov 22, 2020

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